Hey I'm Simon 👋
I help
web developers
build awesome
mobile apps.
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What is Devdactic?
Since starting Devdactic in 2014 I've shared countles tutorials and videos about building modern frontend applications and apps.
My goal is to help web developers of all trades become more confident with the tools they are using, and provide easy to follow material to build awesome stuff!
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Ionic Academy

The fastest way to learn everything Ionic with courses & community.

Explore the edges of the web dev universe with practical courses.

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Fresh content every week about web development and building apps.
Tutorials for Developers
On the Devdactic blog, you'll find in-depth guides, how-tos and step by step tutorials, all desigend to help you build amazing apps & projects.

Flutter Authentication with Appwrite
Learn how to use Flutter to build a simple authentication app with Appwrite using ChangeNotifier and Provider.

In-App Purchases & Subscriptions for React Native with Glassfy using Expo
Monetising your React Native app using Expo is possible with the help of Glassfy which simplifies your whole in-app purchase flow.

Getting Started with Grafbase using Ionic React
If you want to build a GraphQL backend, Grafbase helps to instantly create your own GraphQL schema and backend

The Ionic React Image Guide with Capacitor (Capture & Store)
In this tutorial, we will create a simple Ionic React photo gallery app that can be run and deployed on the web, iOS, and Android with the help of Capacitor.